As a Discovery reviewer you’ll get exclusive access to hundreds of books and be the first to know about upcoming releases. By providing authors with pre-release book reviews and recommending titles to our community of readers, you’ll become a leading voice in promoting the best indie books.

What does it take to become a Discovery reviewer?

If you’re applying to join our review community, we’ll primarily judge your application by your review style. We’re interested in what you have to say and how you say it.

More specifically, we’re looking for:

  • a few example reviews that are 300 words or longer and show a range of ratings;
  • a clear and engaging writing style that flows naturally; and
  • the ability to make sharp, insightful and original observations about the books you’ve read.

Here’s a typical example of what we’re looking for: MiJa

Or, if you’re a BookTuber, we’re looking for:

  • good video quality;
  • a few example reviews that show a range of ratings and are at least one minute per book;
  • a clear and engaging speaking voice that captures the viewer’s attention; and
  • the ability to make sharp, insightful and original observations about the books you’ve read.

This video will give you a sense of the type of content we’re after: Hollywood Joyride

So if you’re an avid reader with a few (or many) review examples up your sleeve, who likes to go beyond a mere “I loved this book” or “I hated this book,” we’d love to consider your profile!

Are you new to reviewing books? Find out how to get started as a book reviewer with these tips.

How many books do I need to review?

We understand that some months are busier than others, so there are no review quotas to fill as a Discovery reviewer. You can be as active as you’d like on the site!

What formats are books available in?

All books are provided as ebooks, and are available as PDF, EPUB, or MOBI files. You will be able to download the books directly from your Reviewer Dashboard.

Will I receive compensation for my reviews?

In exchange for reviews, you’ll be given free copies of books that haven’t hit the market yet. There’ll also be the opportunity to earn a little extra money in the form of tips from other users, plus other exclusive member perks.

Can I write my reviews using AI tools?

No, we do not accept any reviews that are written using AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bing, or Bard. We will automatically reject applicants whose reviews are written using AI (we do check!) and remove any AI-written reviews from the site.

How much time do I have to write a review?

Review deadlines are unique to each book and are set by the author or publisher. You’ll usually have at least one month to submit your review.

If you pick up a book and realize that you cannot submit the review in time, you have the option of returning it. Having said that, please return the book as soon as possible so another reviewer has a chance to read it before the review deadline.

Can I post reviews of books that are not on Discovery?

Yes, you can. If you’d like to post a review for a book that is not already on Discovery, simply add the book to your Bookshelf before writing your review.

What is Stripe and how do I use it to receive tips?

Stripe is one of the most popular payment processors and our provider of choice on both Discovery and the Reedsy Marketplace. To receive tips from authors and fellow readers, you’ll need to create a Stripe account and connect it to Discovery. Any tips you receive will then be sent securely to your bank account via Stripe. To check if Stripe is supported in your country, head to this page.